WTA Membership Application Primary Contact (Name and Title) * Name of Business / Organization * Full Mailing Address * Email Address * Phone Number * Website * http:// Additional Staff Contacts Member benefits can be extended to additional staff members. The voting privilege is reserved for the primary contact only (recorded in section 1 above). If you would like to include additional staff members, enter name, title and email address of each individual below. Business Category * Guide or Student - $50 Self-employed (1 employee) - $250 Small Business (2-50 employees) - $450 Medium Business (51-100 employees) - $775 Large Business (100+ employees) - $1500 Small Sector Association (revenues <$75,000) - $450 Medium Sector Association (revenues $75,000 - $150,000) - $1500 Large Sector Association (revenues >$150,000) - $3000 Small DMO (budget <$500K) - $775 Medium DMO (budget $500K-$3.9M) - $2000 Large DMO (budget >$4M) - $5500 SKOA Membership Option I am a sea kayak operator and would also like to join the Sea Kayak Operators Association (no additional fee) Which membership benefits are most important to you as an operator? (advocacy, marketing, industry advice, community) * How did you hear about the WTA? * E-Signature * Typing your name below constitutes signing this application Membership Details Thank you for taking the time to apply to be a member of the Wilderness Tourism Association! Your application is subject to review and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss next steps. Your application has been submitted. By submitting your application, you are agreeing to the WTA’s Code of Conduct and Constitution and Bylaws.